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Oil without Oil: Consulting Business Sustainability!

It is really tempting to continue in consultancy business where return on investment is quite high, specially when you have really talented resources and technology.

In current market scenario, challenge is to keep/retain the sharpened brains (at all layer of employment) and prevent it from the rusting process, with limited money supply due to oil or without oil impact; because each layer of talent is equally important in consultancy business.

Client's focus for project development, with extra-large/ large to medium entities are shifting towards medium to small firms due to lower operating cost considering long term and sustainability. This being an opportunity (and boon for clients as well) for sustainable project development program from medium to small entities with lower operating cost.

This opportunity can be made more sustainable by "Freelancing Activities by Real Talents" available in the national/ international market. This will ensure Real Talents are retained in the market and rusting of brains can be minimized. Further they are busy serving many clients & sustaining the higher intellectual output to cost of employment to consultancy firms.

Ramesh Chand Vishwakarma CEO, DeGicon Pro+ FZE Website:


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